
Hello, and welcome to my blog.  I will start by introducing myself: My name is Silena and I am a person who loves fantasy and dark fantasy.  I have been into such genre for a long time and I always felt I wanted more.   A lot of my stories and fragments within them take inspiration from various forms of media and stories.

This blog will cover my original fiction, their history, and inspirations.  So I invite you to this page and invite you for your input.

If you would like to support me and my randomness I have opened up a Donation link on PayPal.
❤ to All of You Whether you choose to donate or not. 🙂

A Deceiving Lack of Progress

I’ve had several things in draft form on this site for some time, on both this, and my review (?) blog but both have been unpublished.  I feel like that is deceptive as a lack of progress when I’m, in actuality, trying to be more concise or projectionist.  Besides, I’ve actually written a lot over the past few months.  As I have been working on the rewrite of GMT series it may seems that there is a lot of time and effort going into that.  The series, as a whole, was quite long originally; however, this new version is a lot longer and in addition to that there is a lot of fluff that I have put in a long with it.  I mean, I’m going to have to edit it all in the end anyway so I am distinctively marking the fluffiest sections so I have to take them out at the end of it all.  By fluff;  I mean graphic scenes that have to be taken out that do not go along with a narrative.

It’s fun, for me, to write these little extras in order to give context to the characters’ personalities and relationships.  Have a very complex character sometimes means their character development happens off screen a lot of it deals with the strain sexual aspect of their personality.  It’s unusual to have to leave some of that in to give contacts when I’m removing the intent graphic nature of it.  It’s nice and different to write in the style that I am as it allows me to explore the characters in any light and enjoy them. One thing that’s unusual is trying to rewrite the plot points that happened throughout the story.  After all everything is changing to be more concise with a greater story arc then originally details.

The fact that I’m using AI dungeon as a writing tool has helped me progress much faster than simply rewriting the story point blank.  AI dungeon is considered a “game” but I use it more as  a tool of sorts and, yes, I do pay the full monthly premium subscription to use the service to the full extent.  I created a world, locked it, and am using it with all the data to the full extent for my rewrite.  The tool, after all, is just aiding in descriptives and helping me push through some blockages… Yet, not my current issue.

What has become my issue recently is that I seem to be stuck at one point.  As I have changed several interactions and how several of the “antagonists” meet their ends, or generally how their battle goes on, I have hit a wall on how to proceed.  And, considering this is a rewrite, I am not skipping around.  After all, the end has already been written, there is no reason to skip forward and write past where I am.  I could very well brush past it and catch it in editing as I will have to go through a major edit after this re-write, but I would rather the situation make sense before I proceed.

It’s a quite fast paced section so I need it flow easily from one conflict to the other and being stuck has pulled it down. So, that’s what I’ve been doing; the deceiving lack of progress when, in reality, each chapter is over 10k words, but it is what it is.

I don’t know where I’m going to “publish” the story when I am done with it.  I am unsure if I’m going through the Kindle version, Smashwords, or just going to dump it on Inkitt.  I haven’t decided yet.  That’s still a bit off.  I’m at a halfway-ish point in the rewrite itself so the editing process will eat even more time after that so… Another year? Unsure.

At the moment, however, GMT is my focus, and then I’m going to move on to another in my “Infinity Series” to work with them.  The fact that there are four that parallel.

If you would like to support me and my randomness I have opened up a Donation link on PayPal.
❤ to All of You Whether you choose to donate or not. 🙂

“GMT” Re-Writing Musings

Good day! It’s been a bit since I’ve been here and did any sort of Original works progress or rant but I’ve, just this morning (afternoon, in technicality), discovered an amusing little fact. You see, I starting utilizing the webservice “game” AI Dungeon to write off-shoot stories with my original characters. Certain characters get a lot more attention in these little off-shoot additions to the story and things, which I never mentioned before in the original, have been brought up. A lot of character backstory, character quirks, and strange behavior has emerges from these after-stories that needed to be declared in the original.

In addition to that, as GMT (“Grand Master Terian”, which I’m still thinking of renaming the story), is part of a greater universe where it connects to three other stories and certain characters inside the story are aware of the goings on and the original gave very little to no hints on this. So, I decided to work with it to fix some of this discrepancies and, overall, flesh out a lot of the story.

I guess my point of the matter is that the original (well, revision) version came to 337 Pages (single-spaced); 183568 Words in total. Safe to say… this new re-write is… much larger than that and it’s only half-way completed. I have decided to compact and re-arrange chapters. (Example: 4,5,6 are now just 4). This makes a more… interesting (?) chapter than the original three; and one of them was very short so it makes more sense to not have it as a stand alone in this updated version. Well, as the progress goes on, the size of this story is getting ever larger and very… complicated. I will have to edit it all and more will be added/removed as there are little tidbits that will be removed during the final processes that do not belong in the final story (they’re just there for personal interests and for the AI program to feed off of).

Regardless of all of that, the story has greatly expanded and grown in size which is, in the end, a very good thing. A lot of things that previously didn’t make any sense are going to make sense. Things that would be fine in a Video game but are not fine in a narrative stance are getting adjusted. In fact, my favorite group of encounters of the story is currently being completely reworked. Instead of facing all four individual in one place, they’re going to be a bit more spaced out. At current, I’m writing the fight against one of them as they fight at their camp in the rain instead of in a building as he was originally fought. The others will be in a gate-house and a courtyard before walking into the main building where the fight usually all took place. It will be interesting… especially considering how very dangerous I made the main opponent of the story section (I mean… being able to turn blood into a weapon means every injury is more fuel).

Its just really fun to do this little re-write project and having the assistance of the AI program is helpful to push me past the dumb points and I’m really looking forward to seeing how the entire re-write turns out and then I’ll have to do the entire process of editing the entire thing (which I am not looking forward to).

If you would like to support me and my randomness I have opened up a Donation link on PayPal.
❤ to All of You Whether you choose to donate or not. 🙂

The Dark Backstory in “GMT”

Now, for preface, what got me thinking about this was my writing of what was supposed to a short off-shoot story. I say supposed to…because, at the moment, the off-shoot (side-story), has become an insane 79,000 words within just a couple of weeks. The thing with “GMT” (or “Grand Master Terian” as I can’t help but still call it though I wish to rename it sometimes) is that there are a lot of rather dark, quirky, and off-putting characteristics within the story, its charactres, and backstory.

I attempt my best to write the main story to avoid some of the very touchy subject matter. So of such subject matter is the character’s loose attitude in relationships. Brushing over the fact without giving too much detail, leaving off the explicit, and trying to avoid mentions of the very dark aspect. This coming from a story in which the main character attempts suicide as a child multiple times..

There have been a lot of “offshoots” of GMT over years but none of them ever grew to be this magintude. You see, I started writting the “ending” of the story, which is a crossover section which I cannot explain without spoiling the lot. The off-shoot deals with a lot of drama, mainly on relationships, but also, something that came up through it was…

The incredible dark history of GMT.

Omitting names and graphic details, I have linked the story together based on a conflict that resulted from abandonment and obsession. Whilst two specific character were abandoned as children they made a world for themselves and gathered people together; one of those just happened to become madly obsessed with one of the specific characters. He does some…very awful things that shatters a concept. It just makes me think really how all of it could be so important but never fully mentioned in the main story whatsoever. Glossing over facts, leaving hints…that’s something I will have to work with when I work with this final rewrite of GMT. I know its in the planning, but, right now I wish to finish this off-shoot.

I don’t think there is much more to be written in this very explicit off-shoot as I really am just fixing some peculiarities, but I want to complete it none-the-less. I also have a few gaps (places where I leave “…” in order to continue my train of thought but not get stuck).

In reality, even if I ever fully release GMT and it possibly become someone popular (or not). I’m unsure if the offshoot I have been writing will ever been seen as it is. Its a pet project for I love my original characters regardless of how messed up they are and how messed up of a life they live and lived. But the backstory, if, once the story becomes known, gets asked about, I will divulge.

Another curious factor is the interesting thing that I have drawn a picture of one of the major characters of GMT, a major player in this offshoot, but due to issues of massive spoilers, I can not show it. Such a weird thing to think about.

…Meanwhile, I just had to spend 10 minutes fixing the Google docs document of the file as I somehow left it loaded on my phone and it “saved” an older version. Good job, google docs.

I really need to set my schedule from work to be the same every week so that I can really focus on writing as I really am enjoying having such massive progress. I want to have at least the first chunks done before I ever attempt to find a literary agent but to have that done, I need to manage the time.

If you would like to support me and my randomness I have opened up a Donation link on PayPal.
❤ to All of You Whether you choose to donate or not. 🙂

TrT… To write out a character or not?

Wow, how interesting…You see, I have been in a state of rewrite of my original story “The Royal Team” for a few months now. The old style it was written in is…strange…and written like episodes of a series but I wanted it to flow better together and to make more sense so I started the re-writing process. As of today, I reached a section that has perplexed how I approach how I rewrite the next 4 or so “episodes”.

There is this once chapter, well “episode”, that has existed since before most of the others. As in, I WROTE this down (on paper) YEARS ago..probably when I younger than ten (still have it)..and it has evolved very little over the time. However, the chapter really doesn’t quite fit as well as it used to, as far as the story flows, so I’m left with a decision to ax this very old section of the story or to manipulate it to fit the rest of the story. Then there is the issue of there character. The character is just as old as the story and had always, you know, just existed. Yet, now that I’m there, at the point where her chapter exists, I’m finding it irrelevant to the story as a whole. She is introduced, has her section, becomes best friends with the main character, but after the main character is kidnapped by a re-occurring force (and more important character) the character that is, supposedly best friends with the main, never seen again.

So, I have been left with a dilemma to either remove her and her chapters all-together; or adjust everything the character does and simply make her stay within the township. Part of me does not want to lose the fact that she is, probably, one of the oldest non-changing aspects of the story, but I realize that she cannot stay the same and still be a part of the over-all story arc. The original story was very very childish…as well, it was, and many parts of it, were written by an actual child as a some of these chapters (or pieces of them) were even somewhat typed on a DOS based pc in the early 1990s.

I will have to think on it, to be honest. Though I had planned to work on the story during break at work this afternoon, I will have think on how to adjust the character’s position. My first though was to just delete the chapters and just write it off; but then I have the choice of just adjusting it and making her remain. I have two characters that do, eventually, come from that town, and remain with the group. One of them becomes the nanny to the main character’s children; and the other has important story ramifications during a later arc.

Oh well… it is what it is. I knew I would, inevitably, have to come across things that will have to change quite drastically to make the story flow as I want to; but there was something just quite so untouchable about the innocent little chapter that revolved around a little history nut of a character. I think it is her, inevitable, disappearance 5 chapters later, that has forced this decision. Knowing that she is, and always, was just a small little character that only had the one major chapter.

Thus is the evolution of TrT and written works in general.

If you would like to support me and my randomness I have opened up a Donation link on PayPal.
❤ to All of You Whether you choose to donate or not. 🙂

Trying to find my enthusiasm among the funk…

Good day everyone. I hope that you and yours have been doing as well as possible. On my end I’ve found myself a bit over-stressed and over-heated (its really hot where I live and wearing face-masks is rough) so I’ve found myself to be kinda down and out for the past little while. I keep loading up my Google Drive (where I store my original works, and mainly my original work “The Royal Team”) and load up the document but it never goes anywhere from there.

So I don’t have any major progress to share. I suppose the only great accomplishment I did achieve was I participated in a short story writing competition. I have zero hopes that I will place as the topics that you were given to write about were random and, of all things that I was given for my first genre, I was given “Comedy”. I can write creepy things, mysterious things, and fantastical things…but I ended up having Comedy as my genre. Now, I have really warped, and mostly perverse, since of humor, so trying to write something that, to the masses, wasn’t something creepy and disturbing was not my proudest write.

I’ll never likely share that nugget of writing outside of that competition and I’ll just chunk it up to a pre-guess loss..

I suppose with everything that is going on, my brain doesn’t want to conform into these worlds of mine. It’s not that I haven’t been thinking about them, its just that I have to been thinking about them during a time I’m able to truly focus on writing and none of that time has presented itself to me.

It is like…this morning I have this really interesting idea I want to make happen, even though it would be just a short thing, but I don’t really have time to sit down and do it. >.< I hope I can do a basic little outline before the idea just runs from my head at the very least.

If I could afford a week off and a short little vacation maybe I could clear the funk, lol. And, hopefully, my next update will be more fruitful.

If you would like to support me and my randomness I have opened up a Donation link on PayPal.
❤ to All of You Whether you choose to donate or not. 🙂

June 2020 Update

Good day; I hope everyone has been well and that your families are well.. I have been quite busy with work and a variety of other things and have not really had the time to truly sit down and focus on any of my writings as of late.

I started working on my re-write of my oldest story, which I casually label “TRT” as a code name for the series on and off over the past couple of months. I’ve been spending time using GoogleDocs to write this version of my story as it is just easier for me to use with my phone as a method of writing. As I also work on my original works while I’m on break at work and such, having a quick-saving, easily accessible document that is just as easily accessible on my pc if very handy. I’ve also become unhappy with the word processing apps on my phone and the GoogleDocs apps is the least hassle of the programs that I have.

But as for my rewrite, it is really strange to change a more dialog based story into a more stream-lined paragraph style story. I am trying my best to minimize the dialog transactions that occur within the story as my original version seemed to be almost entirely dialog. In a way, due to how I pictured the story, I used to love how the dialog flowed but, as of now, I do not. The fact that TRT also connects with three other stories and had such a different style than the others was really strange in the long-run and in context. With this change everything will connect a lot better and be much more concise when the four stories come together within their connection points.

During some of my spare time, as I have been watching some movies and such, I’ve spent some time drawing using my phone. I own a Galaxy Note 10 so I draw using the Spen. If you’re interested in looking at my drawings I posted the ones I drew on my unused Tumblr.

Tumblr Blog of Drawings

As of now, I’m going to lay back and wind down before I go to bed. I’m off tomorrow so I may possibly work on some of my original stuff tomorrow.

If you would like to support me and my randomness I have opened up a Donation link on PayPal.
❤ to All of You Whether you choose to donate or not. 🙂

Quick Little Update

Good day~  It has been a while since I made an update and have been working slightly during the month of November on one of my in-progress works.  I decided to opt out on the national writing month as I felt that I really didn’t have a grand idea that I wanted to focus on.  

Also, I really want to finish the full draft of “Everlast”.  I have been slowly working on writing little additions to the story, even though you can consider the story to be in a complete state.  I wanted to expand on a few points to really build the characters of the story, to make them more “human”, though only one of the characters is really human in the entire story.  I just felt like I needed more relationship building between the female characters and more information that would pull the story into the grand overall arc in which it belongs. 

After all, if I haven’t mentioned, “Everlast” is one of four storied within a collective arc that ends up pulling together and meeting at various points to accomplish tasks relating to their world and their relations with each other.  It’s complicated to explain without spoiling the unwritten mass. 

If anything, for the National Writing Month, I really wanted to spend the time working with that story and bringing it to a finish so I can call fully call it complete before the end of the year.  My next plan is the next short work, which goes by “Kurestone”. It’s a mess but I love them. 

So I have a month to bring Everlast to a complete status, wish me luck, and I hope you have a lovely holiday season if I do not update you again by then. 

Dream Journal: Strange Infliction

Good day, its be a bit since I posted, as I haven’t been feeling very well recently. Sinus garbage and the lot. As result, I have not had any progress on any writings recently. I have, however, gotten a lot of sleep recently. I’ve mentioned before that I have very weird dreams, if not noticed by my couple of prior entries on this journal of mine.

Last night, of course, was no different on the strange dream front. I don’t know exactly where to start on describing this dream as, with dreams, the order of events can be somewhat skewed and can be hard to recall upon waking. I suppose we’ll start at, what appears, to be some sort of library. I’m not sure if it was, actually, a library, but there were things about it that gave the vibe that it was. Regardless of what the location truly is, I will try to explain it. The building was somewhat tiered with multiple levels and multiple pull-down ladders to allow the travel between the levels. There were metal railing around the curved balconies where the ladders connected and looked down to the previous floors. There was an overall purple-grey look to the color scheme to the building and a strange industrial sort of look to all the fixtures. I recall, however, like shelving and such on the walls, which is why I refer to it as a “library” even though I could recall no books being on those shelves.

I don’t know what exactly, but there are talks in that location as being “in service” to someone and in talks about dealing with the issue. From what I gather, this building is the headquarters for the main villains. It’s a strange dynamic as in this strange, large, library-type building is some strange militarist-dictatorship dynamic with various tiers of people and “me” or the person I seem to follow as the flow through this dream (I know people say you dream of people and things you know based around yourself but many a time “me” isn’t me) seem to be on the lower end. It seems that these lower end people wear collars symbolizing their tethers to someone higher up. Regardless of all that, there really isn’t much that happens within that location other than trying to label things and “me” not being able to label something because I can’t locate all the information on it. Menial tasks, really, and seemed really bland.

But then, without any reason behind it, it seems that the whole narritive shifts and “me” is elsewhere and in talks to stop the “invansion”. The invasion is a group of soliders manufactured by the people from the prior local as the woman, who is very strong voiced and almost childish and wearing a high ponytail, is in charge of them. These “soldier’s” are basically diseased and brainwashed people (almost like zombies but clearly living people) that cannot protest in their actions. They seem to be in the very basics of eat, sleep, protect, follow, etc and if their “alpha”, in this instance, the woman, has told them that this, basically, “rebel group” that “me” and a few others have joined after we left the service of the library-ish building, is threatening normality. It’s really quite the opposite as its the organization that is keeping these people brainwashed and in their disease like state as the liberating ‘rebels’ know a cure for the disease.

The group knows how to use the diseased people to their advantage. As the group doesn’t consider them bad people, they avoid fighting them as know they cannot help it. However, a lot of instances happen where people have ended up being killed either resulting from an invasion or due to a bad escape attempt from the organization, and there are orphaned children as result. Seeing as these soldier people are just people sent to their base instincts to eat, sleep, protect, etc giving a sleeping one of them a child means they would recognize the child as theirs and protect it. It may not seem the best case, but it means that, regardless of everything, the child will be fed, housed, and kept safe. Particular more beneficial to infants as it seems to be hinted at. It seems these “rebels” tend to use this to their advantage and keep tabs of the locations of these solider cores to make sure to label those with the children they seeded to track the location of the children as a core to try to detain when available and put in motions to cure.

There is this scene I recall of one of the child seeding and though it goes off without a hitch regarding these brainwashed people, the head villain woman shows up and causes issues. This causes the core to heed all her commands and ends with the group including “me” scattering.

The next scene is some time later in an area that takes place in a huge abandoned mall of sorts. The area is in a no-go zone, but “me” has made it there and I find myself musing through the old abandon. Things seem to have been left untouched, asides from ransacked food stores. Clothing, decoration, and anything not related to food seemed as in pristine condition as if only the store was closed, but the power was out and empty of people. I somehow manage into a store that contains antiques and furniture and I muse over a time I would not know about how people would decorate with fancy things in a time before everything happened, a time before the organization, and I’m particularly entranced with a beautifully crafted table. The table was clearly ornate in designs, with burnt etchings and and inlays upon the surface, and very ornate, “pewter chairs”. I remember the phrase being stated quite clearly and the chairs were indeed made of metal. I’m not sure of the true practically of making chairs of pewter, but, they were in a style that was quite in imitation of the ends of spoons and when I woke I thought of the likening to those “spoon rings” that was once popular. I also recall “me” seeing the price tag on the beautiful, but dusty table, untouched by age, as it seems that time has not passed enough from the end of the prior age to the current one in order for decay to set. In fact, the building didn’t seem run down, either, still working, intact,…only very abandoned and dirty.

The dream seemed even more discontorted from here as it seemed to distort from the prior scene with the villianess and me chasing her up some stairs; talks about going to a base and maintaining refurbished miliatary aircrafts (the base is underground in a forest with huge trees); exploring the mall area; and a huge invansion by which someone is almost killed by the soliders and “me” finds out that I am basically invisible to them (which means that I have the disease as if you are “one of them” they see you as not a threat).

Nothing really is explained other than, apparently, I was more important in the organization than just a lower tier (thus the collar and being directly linked to the woman with the ponytail). My suspicion is that it was possible that I was infected, attempted to be brainwashed, but it failed, but there is zero resolution. And just like that, with dreams, there IS, truly, never an answer as I woke up shortly after that.

That’s one thing about my dreams is that, many times, there is a full story, somewhere, in a dream within one night. I’ve never had a ‘continuation’ of a dream another night so there will never be a resolution to this, unless I take it up as a possible story idea.

So: Will I use it as a story idea? Hmmm, quite possible. The flow and the amount of info I was given within the dream makes for a full concept as there are things that could relate to a “conflict”… I don’t want to count it out as being a possibility, but due to my lack of time, current horrible sinus and health-related issues, I can’t work with it at the current time, but it’s a cool idea to expand upon.

IDK, but I really did find that strange table fascinating within that dream as it was something of a thing of beauty in a world surrounded by ugly and death.

As I didn’t have anything for National Writing Month, I thought about pushing this idea to the front, but I’m not going to bet on even feeling like the National Writing Month this year. I’ll just have to see how I feel in a month.

Regardless, that’s really all I have to say about this dream of mine. I really hope to be able to get back to working on some of my OG stories soon. Maybe after this sinus stuff clears and I can make it to the headache specialist I see in a couple of weeks, everything will get better. But for now, I’m going to leave it here and head to bed….and hopefully have another 4-5 hour long sleep-movie. 🙂

If you would like to support me and my randomness I have opened up a Donation link on PayPal.
❤ to All of You Whether you choose to donate or not. 🙂

Random: Revisiting the Old

I’m pretty sure that I have hinted at, maybe not exactly stated, that I have been writing for many years. The reason why a great deal of some of my writings is not view-able has a very simple answer: I used to write by hand.

I’ve just recently purchased a Fujitsu ScanSnap S1300i scanner. It’s a little thing that allows multi-page scanning and will auto-scan said pages into PDF files (or JPG if you want, but I mainly wanted this for the documents). I’m pretty sure that I could use it to scan all my older drawings, but that wasn’t the purpose of my purchase of the scanner. I’m sure that I read that it can scan up to 10 pages but due to the age of the paper, I’m working on scanning only 5 pages at a time. Makes it easier to make sure the paper stays straight and, if anything happens that would shift the paper, would make it easier to re-scan in case of a wonky scan.

I have plans to scan all my hand written pages of everything that I have written. A lot of this stuff is super out-of-date and super defunct and the stories have long been abandoned, but still, I would love to have some hard-copy on my computer so that I can store away all these old pages and to fully sort out all these random pages that are stored in huge bulky binders. I plan to, once scanned, sort everything out, bind them in plastic wrap, label each set of documents and put them all away in storage.

The only bad thing about this scanner that I purchased is that it doesn’t scan drawing paper. The highest size paper it scans in the traditional letter-sized paper which means that for all my larger sized drawings on normal sized drawing paper, I’ll have to use a traditional scanner. I have my A3 Mustek scanner but it needs oiled or something and I don’t know how to do that. Really, I need a new one, but its going to have to wait. These things take up space and the new one I want is quite costly. I’m sure I can make it work in order to really power through scanning all my pages into digital hard-copies, but regardless, its going to be nice to have all these old hand-written stories and concept works all neatly organized on my computer.

I started with some papers that I believe total in the 500 pages (front and back, so 250 pages) which is the original version of a story I began writing back in 1999 (yes, 20 year old hand-written paper). I’m not sure if my crazy very light pencil notes on the pages will fully transfer into the PDF but the entirety of the actual story is written in ink and all in cursive. I would love to know exactly how many ink pens I went through to write this monster of story, but I know I used those pens for more than just this particular story. What’s crazy is I still use the same type of ink pens, though the style of the pen’s case has changed over the years. I actually found one of these old pens but, sadly, it didn’t write anymore and was bleeding the remains of its ink all over my hand.

I’m unsure if I will share the original version of the story as they are far from the version the story has become. I wrote the original in more of a “following 3rd person point of view” but the final version follows only one character and what happens with the other characters is left secret and only to be explained in side-stories and what not. My view on the character’s personalities have changed as well and there are some characters that start out as deceased that are featured within the first part of the story. The narrative of the story has changed to being simply experienced (as originally told) to being remembered (by the main character but without all the “I” and direct first person speech which I don’t usually write).

It’s just odd to revisit the story in it’s original form after so long and I will be happy to have it scanned, but it’s end result of what will happen to the files? I don’t know. I just finished scanning “part 2” as I labeled the chapters and laughed at a note where I wrote “Part 2 finished April 4, 2001”. Fantastic 18 year old notebook paper (this is all college ruled paper by the way just for context). And another note, since I’ve crossed the pages, there are some fragments of computer typed pages. These were probably the points of writers block that happened during my writings. One fragment was just 1 page another was 12 pages. It’s weird, but I scanned them in, too.

There are some things I will share much later and discuss them as I come across them. However, most of these will be abandoned concepts and I will discuss those as those are scanned and labeled and I feel like discussing them, where I came from, and why I abandoned them. Will be a fun project.

I hope to scan some of my drawings as well. Scanning them as PDF may be fun and easier to archive as most of them are so bad (compared to how I draw now) that I will only ever use them as references to re-draw the characters in my new style.

If you would like to support me and my randomness I have opened up a Donation link on PayPal.
❤ to All of You Whether you choose to donate or not. 🙂

Dream Journal: The Egg Beings

So here we are again with yet another record of a very strange dream that I had last night. Today is Monday, August 8th, 2019, just in case I don’t have this posted right away (for whatever reason). I suppose the preface is my love of fantasy, I’ve made that quite obvious over various points throughout my little journal here and even on my media journal with preferences of media I watch and read.

Last night though, I had a dream that fell somewhat in the lines of a strange universe that seemed to pull a bit of reference from D&D. Not exactly but I had the feel that it did take from it, hard to explain the reason why I feel it was, but it was.

Regardless, the dream followed for people…well, “creatures” would be more of a way to describe them. None of them were human in any way whatsoever. In fact, they were all being hunted by humans. There were a couple of this group that held some sort of human look to them, but they were still just very NOT human.

I’ll begin by describing what they all were and what they looked like before I get into the title of this post being “Egg Beings” and I’ll explain very much why they were called that.

The first was this very tall blond haired androgynous person. It was never clear whether this person was male or female. Regardless, the were really tall with long hair, deep purple eyes, very pretty, and had very pointed ears. This person would always simply state that they were an elf, but they really weren’t, they were actually a dragon. This was only evident underneath their high collared shirt and their cape and clothes as they were covered in very sparky, glittery pinkish scales. This all is brought up when they dress up to hide the appearance of one other in the group, which I’ll describe in a minute.

The 2nd was a girl with tanned skin and black cropped hair. It’s never made clear what she really is but she has a tail hidden under a robe. Later mentioned when they’re dressing to hide the 4th member which I’ll describe in a minute.

The third is a male figure but has a very evident reptilian face and features. He is predominantly black in color but there are some strong red markings. He is one of the 2 that is very not human looking. He wears a cloak to hid his face.

The 4th member is very very strange. It is neither female nor male as every one of these creatures are both. He is solid black, like black as night and darkness.. There are no facial features that look anything close to human, only a slit for a mouth. Its “ears” are these thin grayish membrane wings” that are fan out from its head. Other than that, the body is straight and pitch black. It has little nubs for fingers and toe-less feet. This creature can stand in a the dark and not be seen as its pretty much solid black asides from its gray “ears”. It doesn’t have any eyes, but how it sees isn’t ever explained. The group call it a shadowling and since a great deal of this dream follows this strange creature, it was pretty predominant.

Now…why are they called the “egg beings”. Well, all four of these people are hunting down eggs for whatever reason. Turns out that the dragon and the shadowling steal eggs to reproduce.

The shadowling even takes a group of chicken eggs and infuse them with essence. Instead of hatching into chickens, they hatch into more shadowlings, which is very strange. One of the other three even says to let him as its the purpose of a shadowling to at least replicate at least once. Letting him do it basically fulfills his purpose in life and he won’t feel as much of a drive to do it anymore. So as they’re in a small town on the outskirts, they let the shadowling do its thing and make a nest of stolen eggs that will later hatch into shadowlings.

Now, at this point, the shadowling isn’t dressed or even hidden so some townsfolk see him and alert the army. Shadowlings, though not aggressive to people, are feared as they simply live in the shadows and can easily reproduce..

Part of this dream entailed that, as the hatching was going on, the army shows up and ends up killing quite a few of the new hatch-lings and almost catch this one that was with the group. The main one that is traveling with the other lot ends up running and escaping and the three others decide its time to hide his appearance, dressing him in over-sized robed and a tattered hooded cloak. This really only allows his hands and head to be uncovered. When hooded, the dragon, who keeps claiming to be an elf, calls the shadowling his child. As with the hood on, the winged ears look like pointed ears.

This is accepted for whatever reason.

But yes, the big draw of these four being refereed to as egg beings is that two of them, the shadowling and the dragon, use stolen eggs to reproduce their species.. The reason the other two had some drive about eggs wasn’t entirely clear.

Not much was really mentioned, said, or done after the big event of the shadowling and the hatchlings so there isn’t much more I can describe about the dream. So that’s really all I have of the dream to really mention here.

I drew a quick drawing of the shadowling. Granted my drawing style is a bit cute compared to what it really looked like. More dark and gritty, more matte-black. The creature kinda reminded me of Kingdom Hearts heartless creatures.

The Shadowling ; also the cover image.

I suppose the last thing to mention is: Would I use it? As almost everyone of my original stories were created via dreams, I like the general idea of the dream but I really don’t know where I could start or take it. I was trying to wrack my brain into figuring out how these four from so different backgrounds would have ended up together much less stay together and the reason of why they would continue to stay together. All the players in the story seemed so solitary that the fact they were together really didn’t make sense unless that may exactly be WHY they were together: in order to NOT seem like one of these solitary creatures. Since I was only given the context that two of the four needed the eggs to replicate, my conclusion was that the other two would want to eat the eggs. So having them still be in a group with people that wants to leave the eggs be after using them for their needs strikes me as odd.

Other than that: yea, I wouldn’t mind attempting to utilize these characters and their strangeness in a story, even if its just a short story. As none of the four seem to be the hero type, I would only seem them as being accidental heroes but still disliked because of just what they are. I don’t know,… maybe having them save a prince or princess or something from assassins or something and welcoming that person and their new “outsider” friend. I don’t know…. I’ll have to think about it. But really, that’s all for now.

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